VA Data Breach Exposes the Personal Info of 46,000 Veterans
by CJ Hurd on September 24, 2020 at 1:00 PM
Being hacked is unfortunately still an all too common occurrence. Even as security measures get stronger, reports of breaches and compromises of individual’s personal information do not seem to be slowing down.
Situational Awareness – How Strong Are Your Spidey Senses?
by Peter Fellini on September 17, 2020 at 3:15 PM
How aware are we of our surroundings? What is happening around us that we are not aware of? Being more cognitive of our surroundings at work and at home can bring a lot of positive results to our corporate security posture.
Elements of Quality Security and Privacy Awareness Training
by Patrick Hughes on September 3, 2020 at 3:00 PM
As information technology professionals, we often hear the term security awareness training. Most organizations know they need to be conducting continuous security awareness training, whether the goal is to check a box for a framework/regulation they must adhere to, or they genuinely …