Compass IT Compliance Blog

OWASP Top 10: Why Compliance to OWASP Matters

OWASP Top 10: Why Compliance to OWASP Matters

During a recent web application penetration test, my Compass IT Compliance colleague Jesse Roberts was quickly able to identify and exploit a coding vulnerability on a client’s public facing web portal. As part of the engagement, Jesse was initially granted “standard user” access to t …

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A Closer Look at PCI DSS v4.0 Vulnerability Scanning Requirements

A Closer Look at PCI DSS v4.0 Vulnerability Scanning Requirements

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires vulnerability scanning of any organization’s network assets. Quarterly network scans are required of all companies to be conducted by a certified third-party Approved Scanning Vendors (ASV) or Qualified Security Asses …

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