Compass IT Compliance Blog

Tug-of-War: Balancing Security and Efficiency

Tug of War

I find it helpful when explaining principles to think in extremes. So, when it comes to the principle of securing a system, what is the most secure? Let us use this computer I am typing on as an example. Off. That is the most secure. Let us even take the battery out, unplug everything …

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Smishing: Text Messages from Scammers


Like most people, you have probably received a text message from a phone number that seemed a little “fishy”. The message may have claimed to be from your bank, asking you to verify your account information, or it may have promised you a gift card if you clicked on a provided link.

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MIME Sniffing: What Is It? What Are the Security Implications?

Mime Sniffing

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) sniffing has been in use for decades to allow a browser to render content when there is some question about what type of data the content contains. However, MIME sniffing can also open your organization and end users up to serious cybersecur …

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Addressing the Risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a tool with transformative potential across various domains. It can enhance medical diagnoses and bolster cybersecurity, improving decision-making and efficiency. Nevertheless, like any emerging technology, AI carries certain risks.

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