Kyle Daun

Kyle Daun

Kyle Daun is AVP of IT Audit with Compass IT Compliance. In this role, Kyle works with organizations across all vertical markets to help them assess their information security program and cybersecurity initiatives to identify potential weaknesses and build a plan to help them mitigate their risks. He currently holds the PCI Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), CMMC Registered Practitioner (RP), and CISA certifications, and was a graduate of the New England Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Cybersecurity. Additionally, he's a member of ISACA and InfraGard.

Posts by Kyle Daun

IT Asset Management – Monitoring and Maintaining Assets

A workstation with a white coffee mug

It has been a few months since my last blog post about IT asset management was published. Daily events are causing rapid changes that organizations are having to adapt to, leaving IT leaders asking, “how do I account for all of my equipment”? This can be accomplished in a variety of w …

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IT Asset Management – Acquisition of Assets

IT Asset Management – Acquisition of Assets

In part one of this IT asset management blog series, we discussed governance policies and procedures. In this second part to the blog series, we will discuss the process for acquisition of assets from reputable and vetted vendors. A lot has happened since part one was written, which a …

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IT Asset Management – Governance Policies & Procedures

Asset Management

One of the most daunting and time-consuming tasks that an IT administrator can face is logging, monitoring, and tracking assets for their organization. Depending on the size of an organization, tracking can vary and may or may not include a robust program with various tools and spread …

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Guide to Improving Your Security Awareness Training


For the past 3 years that I’ve worked at Compass IT Compliance, I’ve had the opportunity to travel the country and meet with various clients ranging from small businesses with less than 10 people to organizations with offices around the world. The main constant that I have noticed wit …

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The NIST Cybersecurity Framework – The Recover Function


You made it! The hard work and determination to protect your organizational assets has paid off. You were able Respond to the cybersecurity event and mitigate the long-lasting damages that the cybercriminals tried to employ on you. Now that the event is contained and eradicated, recov …

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The NIST Cybersecurity Framework Functions – Respond


This is part 4 of our ongoing blog series on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. To view our previous posts in this series, please see the links below: NIST Cybersecurity Framework - Overview and Identify NIST Cybersecurity Framework - Protect NIST Cybersecurity Framework - Detect After …

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