When it comes to technology, we hear of terms that are often times confused and interchanged. Some examples of these terms might include Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing. Another example might be the age old debate of Risk Assessment versus Audit. While seemingly similar on the surface, there are in fact significant differences. The same holds true with a topic that I have discussed on this blog recently in reference to the FFIEC Guidance on the Management IT Booklet. The terms that I am referring to are “update” and “revision.” While seemingly similar, they are in fact quite different.
A basic, working definition of update would be the act of bringing someone or something up to date or an updated version of something. Makes pretty good sense, but what about revision? A basic, working definition of revision would be “a new version of something.” Pretty similar but in the case of the recent FFIEC Guidance, this is a significant difference that we need to discuss.
On November 10, 2015, the FFIEC announced that they had made a complete revision to the Management IT Booklet. We discussed this in detail in this blog post and what that would mean to financial institutions and how they would prepare for their examinations moving forward. That was all great information, however since we have had some additional time to digest the new Management IT Booklet, there are some key pieces of information that we have noticed and read about:
Don’t be fooled into thinking that this latest version of the FFIEC Management IT Booklet was a minor update. In fact, this was a major revision, for the first time in 11 years that is going to significantly impact how you conduct your audits in preparation for your examinations but will also significantly impact what your examiners look at when they come into your financial institution. Navigating these changes can be a bit tricky, which is why Compass IT Compliance is here to discuss these changes and suggestions for how you should prepare. Contact us today to discuss your unique situation!
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