CIS Critical Security Controls V7.1 - What's New?
by Patrick Hughes on May 29, 2019 at 1:25 PM
The Center for Internet Security (CIS) is a non-profit information technology entity with a mission to safeguard organizations from cyber threats. CIS has created what’s known as the CIS Top 20 Controls. These are the global standard best practices for securing information technology …
IT Governance - Aligning IT Policies With Business Goals
by Ron Scarborough on May 22, 2019 at 1:02 PM
Over the past decade, Compass IT Compliance has been assisting organizations across the country to mitigate their cyber risks and meet compliance guidelines. Through this work, we often field questions regarding information technology governance. So, what is IT governance? What impact …
Helping a Social Engineer Achieve Their Goal
by Peter Fellini on May 15, 2019 at 1:00 PM
I know the title of this blog post seems a little weird. Why would we help a social engineer achieve their goal? Well, we might not want to, but we all do it in some way and some people are more guilty of it than others.
CCPA – Compliance Before Consequence
by Sarina Resnick on May 8, 2019 at 1:02 PM
Becoming compliant with new laws can be frustrating. Companies are finally making it over the curve of being completely compliant under the recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and now there is yet another regulation that needs to be complied with. As of June 2018, The Ca …
Trends and Tactics in Phishing
by David Bienkiewicz on May 1, 2019 at 1:00 PM
When I’m tasked with creating phishing emails for clients, I begin by looking up what the recent phishing trends are in the real world, or the top 10 most reported phishing attacks for the month / year. I often end up finding scams about winning the latest iPhone from a phone service …
Government Cyber Weaknesses & the Need for White Hats
by Todd Pritsky on April 15, 2019 at 1:01 PM
Have White Hat, Will Travel “A young boy, with greasy blonde hair, sitting in a dark room…[T]he weary system cracker telnets to the next faceless .mil site on his hit list.”