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This is the seventh blog in a 12-part series addressing each PCI DSS Requirement and the challenges faced by companies going through this process. For links to the previous posts in this series, use the links below:
PCI Requirement 1 - Defending the Wall
PCI Requirement 2 - Change Your Defaults!
PCI Requirement 3 - Don't Store Cardholder Data!
PCI Requirement 4 - Hide in Plain Sight!
PCI Requirement 5 - Update and Scan
PCI Requirement 6 - Patches and Scanning and Coding, Oh My!
Requirement 7 kicks off the access control portion of your PCI Compliance program. There are some fundamentals that need to be kicked around before we dig into some of the challenges companies face. The 2 principles related to access controls that we are going to cover are:
Requirement 7 really pushes companies to make sure they are limiting the access to systems appropriately and the permissions within those systems. Ensuring your company’s IT department is granting access as needed and utilizing roles is an additional piece to be aware of in requirement 7. RBAC, or role-based access control, eases the burden on administrators and creates a clean trail of who can access certain information in your CDE.
Companies that require PCI Compliance face some specific challenges within requirement 7:
Compass is well versed in the PCI compliance space and can help your company with a risk assessment to determine what you need to do to comply with PCI.
These challenges are just some of the areas within the PCI DSS requirements that many of our client’s face. Another area where our client’s experience challenges is keeping track of the various requirements that must be completed on a quarterly, semi-annual, and annual basis for PCI Compliance. Therefore, Compass has created our PCI Compliance checklist, one for service providers and one for merchants. This simple, easy to use checklist gives you the PCI requirements, what you must do to achieve/maintain compliance, and how often you need to complete each requirement. To download your copy today, click on the button below!
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