I love how they name different hurricanes and honestly, outside of my own name, I would love to see a hurricane named Hurricane Ransomware. If you are like me and have the privilege of living in Florida, you recently experienced the joy of preparing for a major storm, Hurricane Matthew. For those in the rest of the country, except California (you guys get the best weather!), you have had the experience of preparing for a snowstorm or some other significant weather event. Storm preparation depends on the person but there are always tasks to accomplish before the storm arrives. These tasks might include buying water, batteries, non-perishable food items, candles or other things you may need to ride the storm out.
Ransomware is kind of like a hurricane, or some other natural disaster. We spend all our time reading stories online about how bad it is and we think, "Man, it stinks to be them, that will never happen to me,” until….it does happen to you. For me living in Florida for the past 12 years, I have experienced close to 50 hurricane warnings. As warnings come and don’t come to fruition, I become complacent. I start to believe it can't happen to me. The same is true with Ransomware. Do a Google search for Ransomware, there are no shortage of examples of organizations effected by this type of malware. When we read them we might think, "How is that even possible?" or "Stinks to be them". We get complacent because it hasn't happened to us recently or ever. Don't do that. Don't get complacent because as soon as you're not on your toes, BOOM, you get hit with Ransomware (or a hurricane, your choice). So what can we do to avoid complacency? I am going to give you 2 tips, almost as if they were written by Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel himself (on a side note, if that guy shows up in your town to report the weather, run as fast as possible the other way):
Prepare and Secure. Just like a hurricane or other weather event, don't get complacent and adopt the, "It can't happen to me mentality." The moment you think that way, it will happen to you! If you're looking for me, I will be buying batteries for the 39 flashlights I own and stocking up on water! Till next time...
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