Compass IT Compliance Blog / Business Continuity Planning (4)

The Importance of Testing Your Business Continuity Plan


Alright boys and girls, time to put your pencils down – we are taking a TEST! These may have been some of the scariest words you have ever had to hear. Personally, I will be thrilled if I never have to take another test and I know very few people who look forward to doing so.

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The Importance of a Business Impact Analysis


Wouldn’t it be nice if we could predict the future? You would know what stocks to invest in, what sports team was going win, and what lottery numbers to play. It sure would make life easy, wouldn’t it?! Well, unfortunately we can’t, so we are going to have to keep working hard, resear …

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Introduction to Business Continuity Planning

BCP wordcloud

This is part 1 of a 4-part series as we discuss Business Continuity Planning (BCP). We will take you through conducting a Business Impact Analysis, Plan Implementation, and BCP Testing in the coming months as part of this series.

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