Compass IT Compliance Blog / Cloud (2)

Is Your Head in the Cloud? Traditional Security vs. Cloud Security

Is Your Head in the Cloud? Traditional Security vs. Cloud Security

When someone asks you if your head is in the clouds, there is an implication of being impractical. However, in a cloud-based environment, or in those organizations that conduct part or all of their operations in the cloud, the question has quite the opposite meaning.

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Reflecting on the AWS Outage and Cloud Disruption Risks

Reflecting on the AWS Outage and Cloud Disruption Risks

Cloud computing and cloud hosting popularity has skyrocketed over the past several years, and the trend is likely only to continue to grow. It began as a means to a more efficient way to host data in the cloud rather than on-premises, and COVID-19 amplified the growth and adoption of …

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Securing Your Cloud Environment – Who is Responsible?


The speed at which technology progresses is truly staggering. I am old enough to remember having to load 9-track magnetic tapes to install a patch, and marveled at the lightning fast 384k connection for an entire organization, thinking we had finally made the big time.

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