Compass IT Compliance Blog / Cybersecurity (9)

What Is Password Spraying? How Can It Affect Customers?

Password Spraying

Brute force attacks like password spraying have been on the uptick recently, according to Microsoft's team of experts. Although only about 1% of these attacks are successful, they can be devastating. Affected companies often suffer serious financial and reputational damage.

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Not Using Multifactor Authentication? Your Days Are Limited!


Despite the fact the multifactor authentication (MFA) has been around for decades at this point, the majority of both business and personal logins only use it when absolutely necessary. The complaints are well known; it takes too long to login, if I forget my phone or token I can’t lo …

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Making Sense of Data Management

Data Management

Organizations face a prevalence of both internal and external cyber threats. This makes data management one of the most critical components in an organization’s cybersecurity program. From classifying data, to ensuring it is handled with the appropriate security precautions, to ensuri …

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OWASP Top 10: Why Compliance to OWASP Matters

OWASP Top 10: Why Compliance to OWASP Matters

During a recent web application penetration test, my Compass IT Compliance colleague Jesse Roberts was quickly able to identify and exploit a coding vulnerability on a client’s public facing web portal. As part of the engagement, Jesse was initially granted “standard user” access to t …

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Only YOU Can Prevent Cyberattacks This October (And Beyond)

Smokey the Bear stands next to a sign that reads "Fire Danger: Moderate"

Some of you may be old enough to remember Smokey the Bear. Created in 1944, the Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign is the longest-running public service advertising campaign in U.S. history. In 1947, Smokey’s slogan became "Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires".

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MSP Breaches Opening the Door to Further Attacks on Clients

A hand stops a row of dominoes from falling

Is your Managed Service Provider (MSP) protecting yours and your client’s data? Are you regularly assessing your MSP and the rest of your vendors? It is no secret that hackers have gained access to more and larger companies over the past few years, but a new malicious tactic is coming …

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