Compass IT Compliance Blog / Information Security (10)

IT Risk Assessments and the SANS Top 20 - Part II

Electronic links lead to a blue digital lock

We are in part II of the blog series that we are doing on the SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls (CSC) and why organizations are using these controls as a foundation for their IT Risk Assessments. This week we are going to cover CSC's 6 through 10 and provide a little overview of …

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IT Risk Assessment and the SANS Top 20 - Part I

Black and red cartoon bugs attack code

Last week we discussed the SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls (CSC), what they are, and where they came from. This week we are going to start to dig into a handful of the Critical Security Controls to discuss what they are and why these controls are so important. In fact, industry …

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IT Risk Assessments and the SANS Top 20

IT Risk Assessments and the SANS Top 20

No matter what industry you are in, conducting a thorough IT Risk Assessment is critical to your organization for a number of reasons. First, it gives you a point in time measurement of how your IT Security posture compares to either various regulations or IT Security Frameworks.

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Social Engineering - Mitigating Your Risk

Social Engineering - Mitigating Your Risk

As we look into 2016 and what trends are going to take place this year in the world of Information Security, there is one thing that we can predict with significant confidence: Employees will remain the biggest threat to your Information Security Program and ultimately the safety of t …

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IT Security in 2016: What Comes Next?

A keyhole within a line of code

The last several years in IT Security have been full of surprises as well as the fulfillment of predictions that have been made. If you recall back to 2014, the famed credit card breaches that took place were predicted by most and ultimately held true to form. We had a rash of major b …

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IT Security Best Practices: Segregation of Duties

A group of five business professionals celebrate

We hear the phrase “Segregation of Duties” talked about quite a bit when we talk about IT Security. One reason as to why this is such a talked about and ultimately important topic has to do with the fact that the risks associated with Segregation of Duties often go unnoticed until the …

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