Compass IT Compliance Blog / Information Security (11)

The Top 5 Reasons You Should Have a Vendor Management Program

The Top 5 Reasons You Should Have a Vendor Management Program

Last week we talked about what Vendor Management is and really why you should care about it for your organization. This week we are going to outline the top 5 reasons, in no particular order, of why your organization needs to have a Vendor Management Program implemented and that makes …

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PCI Compliance and the Transition to EMV

PCI Compliance and the Transition to EMV

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IT Security vs. Regulatory Compliance: Which One Came First?

IT Security vs. Regulatory Compliance: Which One Came First?

Security or Compliance. Which one should we focus on? On the surface, this almost sounds like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. But if we dig deeper, we start to see that while they are similar and have similar goals, they can be very different in how they are …

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IT Risk Assessments: Why Don't Companies Conduct Them?

A group of business professionals debate at a meeting

Data breaches are everywhere! Every time you read the news online or watch the news, there is some form of Cybersecurity problem that has taken place somewhere in the world. Whether it is a credit card data breach or a healthcare data breach, there is no doubt that the security of our …

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Healthcare Breaches and the HIPAA Risk Assessment

Healthcare Breaches and the HIPAA Risk Assessment

Healthcare attacks are on the rise, there is no doubt about that trend. In 2013 and 2014, credit card breaches are all everyone was talking about. While those still garner headlines today, healthcare breaches have taken over as the top news stories. In some of the largest breaches rep …

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IT Auditing and IT Risk Assessment: What's the Difference?

A group of business professionals debate at a meeting

We often hear the terms IT Risk Assessment and IT Audit used in various situations and often times they are used interchangeably. This causes great confusion for people who are trying to determine not only what they are looking for in terms of a service, but also what they can expect …

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