Compass IT Compliance Blog / Information Security (7)

What is PII? Important Distinctions in Information Security

What is PII?

What Is PII? PII is the acronym that keeps getting thrown around but never seems fully understood. It stands for "Personally Identifiable Information." Knowing what it stands for is just as important as knowing why it is becoming increasingly important to the integrity of your cyberse …

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WanaCry Ransomware: A Survival Guide


What is WannaCry Ransomware? WanaCrypt0r, WanaDecryt0r, and WannaCry are different names for essentially the same thing. Technically WanaCrypt0r is name of the executable, WanaDecrypt0r is the name of the decrypting utility, and WannaCry is what it makes people want to do. But, for mo …

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Why Your Information Security Program Must Evolve...NOW!

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Note: For the purposes of this blog post, we are going to be looking at breach data for the United States only in 2016 2016 was a record year when it comes to data breaches, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. According to the center, there were a total of 1,093 breaches …

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What is Social Engineering? Part I

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This post will be the first part in a series of three blog posts that outlines some of the most common methods “hackers” use, from a very high level, to gain access to your systems though social engineering tactics. The next two posts will dig a bit deeper into the different methods, …

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Phishing Examples - Protect Yourself From Ransomware


Fact: Phishing is the number one strategy that bad actors use to deliver malware to your organization. Fact: Phishing attacks come in a few different forms, known as phishing attacks and spear-phishing attacks. Fact: Ransomware is the most prevalent and dangerous form of Malware out t …

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Vendor Management Requirements for Financial Institutions in New York

Vendor Management Requirements for Financial Institutions in New York

I recently wrote a blog post that discussed legislation in the State of New York that is set to take effect on January 1, 2017. This legislation will effect all financial institutions in the state around Cybersecurity and the development of a formal Cybersecurity program. Click here t …

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