Compass IT Compliance Blog / Network Security

Penetration Testing Phases: Steps in the Process

Penetration Testing Phases

As cyber threats continue to grow in complexity and frequency, the need for regular penetration testing has become more critical than ever for organizations aiming to safeguard their sensitive data and systems. A well-executed penetration test follows a structured process designed to …

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Penetration Testing: Black Box vs. White Box vs. Gray Box

Types of Penetration Tests

Penetration testing, or pen testing, is a critical practice for assessing and fortifying the security of networks, software, and services. Various types of pen testing, including black box, white box, and gray box testing, each offer distinct perspectives and insights. These diverse m …

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What Is a Firewall? Definition & Best Practices

Physical Firewall Device

At the forefront of this cybersecurity arsenal stands the firewall—an indispensable component for network security. But what exactly is a firewall, and how does it protect our digital resources? In this blog post, we explore the role of firewalls in information security, discussing th …

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VPNs – How Effective Are They at Protecting Your Data?

What is a VPN?

As the threat of online security breaches and data privacy issues continues to escalate, virtual private networks (VPNs) have become indispensable for safeguarding sensitive information. From personal browsing habits to corporate communications, VPNs offer a layer of encryption and an …

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Cybersecurity Controls – Good, Cheap, Fast: Pick Two

A hand draws a 3 part venn diagram on a chalkboard

Nearly twenty years ago, I was working for the public transportation department in the town where I went to school. It was there that I was introduced to the new Marketing Director, who was among the first MBAs I had met. He laid something on me that was novel to me at the time but I …

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Protecting SCADA Systems from Cyber-Attacks

Protecting SCADA Systems from Cyber-Attacks

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a control system architecture comprising computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces (GUI) for high-level process supervisory management, while also comprising other peripheral devices like programmable log …

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