Compass IT Compliance Blog / Social Engineering (5)

Weighing Your Multi-Factor Authentication Options

An old metal and wood scale

At this point most of us have heard that securing our accounts with only passwords, no matter how complex, is not enough. Do not get me wrong, requiring strong passwords (14 or more characters, composed of uppercase and lowercase letters, and including symbols and numbers) is essentia …

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Receiving a Scam Text… From My Own Phone Number

Verizon Building

Throughout my years working in the IT security and compliance field I have had the opportunity to learn about dozens of different social engineering attack strategies that malicious actors will utilize to achieve their goals. This past weekend, I had the unique opportunity to witness …

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It (Should) Be an MFA World, We Are Just Living in It

It (Should) Be an MFA World, We Are Just Living in It

Last week I was working in front of my laptop (happily, for any Compass staff reading) when I got an incoming text message. It was from Verizon. They had received my service request and were working on it. It was quickly followed by another text saying I could check the status of my r …

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Cyber & Physical Security: Why You Need Both

Cyber & Physical Security: Why You Need Both

Cybersecurity attracts an enormous amount of attention due to cyberattacks that are publicized daily. As more devices are connected to the Internet, they become attractive targets for criminals; therefore, the attack surface increases exponentially.

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The Greatest Vulnerability Still Remains – End Users

The Greatest Vulnerability Still Remains – End Users

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Boston Cyber Security Summit. One of the most common topics discussed at the event was organizations’ information being compromised by the end user.

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‘Tis the Season – Don’t Fa La La to Holiday Scams

‘Tis the Season – Don’t Fa La La to Holiday Scams

As another holiday season quickly approaches and holiday gift lists are started, the scammers are also looking to deck the halls during one of their favorite times of the year. As many begin planning for shopping and holiday festivities, unscrupulous scammers are presented with ample …

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