Compass IT Compliance Blog / Social Engineering (7)

Home Network Security for Remote Workers

Home Network Security for Remote Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented global challenges at all levels of society today, from healthcare to social concerns. With much of the East and West Coasts experiencing government-enforced social distancing lock downs, businesses have had to scramble to turn their da …

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Grocery Stores – A Hidden Gem for Cyber Criminals?

Grocery Stores – A Hidden Gem for Cyber Criminals?

Following the recent closures of many public-facing businesses in the United States (and across the globe) in response to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), this week’s blog post will discuss some of the cybersecurity challenges and vulnerabilities facing one of the only industries …

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Microsoft Teams – The New Phishing Platform for Hackers?

Microsoft Teams – The New Phishing Platform for Hackers?

Many organizations are moving to cloud services for email, voice, and collaboration software. One of the major services being offered is Microsoft Teams. Teams is powerful collaboration software that allows users to share files, screen share, instant message, schedule meetings and voi …

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Examples of Effective Vishing Attacks

Examples of Effective Vishing Attacks

Vishing (not to be confused with phishing) is a form of social engineering that attempts to manipulate an individual to give an attacker personal information like usernames and passwords, credit card information, and social security numbers via the telephone. The attacker will call an …

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Microsoft Office Add-ins, Reason for Concern?

The outside of Microsoft headquarters

This question came into Compass IT Compliance from a client the other day: “How risky are 3rd party plugins? Should I be concerned about them?”. I had to stop and think about this for a while. In my years of working on vulnerability and penetration testing projects for Compass IT Comp …

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What You Can Do to Better Prepare Yourself for Holiday Scams


It’s that time of the year again! With the holiday season upon us, many criminals will be attempting to scam people via phishing emails. This time of the year (Black Friday, Christmas) is the most lucrative for attackers due to the fact that stores are having a crazy amount of sales w …

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