Compass IT Compliance Blog / Vendor Management (5)

The Key to Vendor Management: Truly Knowing Your Vendors!


In today's business climate, using vendors or third-party service providers is no longer a luxury, it has become a necessity. Organizations "outsource" key business functions every day for many reasons, some of which include:

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Vendor Management Requirements for Financial Institutions in New York

Vendor Management Requirements for Financial Institutions in New York

I recently wrote a blog post that discussed legislation in the State of New York that is set to take effect on January 1, 2017. This legislation will effect all financial institutions in the state around Cybersecurity and the development of a formal Cybersecurity program. Click here t …

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FFIEC Guidance: Revision vs. Update

FFIEC Guidance: Revision vs. Update

When it comes to technology, we hear of terms that are often times confused and interchanged. Some examples of these terms might include Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing. Another example might be the age old debate of Risk Assessment versus Audit. While seemingly similar …

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The Top 5 Reasons You Should Have a Vendor Management Program

The Top 5 Reasons You Should Have a Vendor Management Program

Last week we talked about what Vendor Management is and really why you should care about it for your organization. This week we are going to outline the top 5 reasons, in no particular order, of why your organization needs to have a Vendor Management Program implemented and that makes …

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What is a Vendor Management Program and Why Should You Care?

What is a Vendor Management Program and Why Should You Care?

Vendor Management is a term that is thrown around all the time, but what does it really mean? If we look at it on the surface, it is a method for managing your vendors and third party service providers. That's a little obvious of course, but let's look at the definition of Vendor Mana …

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How Vendor Management Software Can Help with Regulatory Compliance

A group of five business professionals celebrate

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